
Existing, Dual USB Flash Disk Type C

Monday, April 27, 2015
A new type of USB connector, Type C, recently introduced. Glance he is no different with a USB connector that we've made. But when wearing it, you just know that it is more enjoyable. Because you can plug it in the USB port in any position. No need to know whether he is upside down or not to be recognized by the computer.

Well, this USB connector has presented its newest SanDisk in flash disk. Given the name SanDisk Dual Drive USB, flash disk has two USB head. One head is USB 3.0 type C and other micro USB. With this flash drive you can quickly and easily move files - videos, photos, music, documents - from / to Android devices (tablets and smartphones) to / from the computer.

Dual Drive USB Type C should be used together with SanDisk Memory Zone app which can be downloaded for free from the Play Store. The app will make you able to gain more control over the storage of your mobile device memory. You can more easily find, organize, transfer and backup of data from one device to another, including from Android smartphone to a flash drive or to a computer (Mac and PC) and vice versa.

Currently Dual Drive SanDisk USB type C is only available in one capacity, the 32GB. The price is USD 949,000. Two-year warranty. Flash USB disk with two heads is available starting the second quarter of this year.

In addition to the dual drive with C-type connector, SanDisk also offers Ultra Dual USB Drive 3.0. Which is useful to transfer files between the smartphone and tablet Android and PC and Mac through feature OTG (on the go). Ultra Dual Drive USB 3.0 is claimed SanDisk is able to transfer files at speeds up to 130MB / s.

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