If there is a technology that can be lost and cause distress in human civilization, technology Lithium-ion battery (Li-ion...
9:14 AM
A few days later, I'm testing a device Intel Next Unit of Computing (NUC) new board. Even in the box is still written P...
9:08 AM
Slowly but surely, Intel continues its efforts to penetrate the market of gadgets such as smartphones and tablets are increasingly popular i...
11:44 PM
Ever dong use GMail? Try it you notice its. In his Inbox, Gmail has a variety of features to allow users to do many things, such as searchin...
2:20 PM
Nowadays more and more technology embedded in Android-based devices. But not a few of the users who are not informed about the function ...
2:14 PM
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), or drones known as an unmanned aerial vehicle that is controlled remotely by humans as a pilot, or throug...
1:58 PM
With the increasing number of convenience offered internet, making some of the banks involved and take advantage of servic...
1:43 PM
The many obstacles faced by Google Glass, finally make Google officially announced the cessation of production of this smart glasses. Ma...
9:28 AM
What is imagined in your mind when you hear the word wearable device? Most definitely smartwatch directly fixed on the device. it could ...
9:16 AM
many devices, particularly HDTVs and computer monitors, which bears frills 4K. Meanwhile there is also a term UHD or Ultra HD. Both...
9:01 AM